EN firebird password

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The installation of Autopoll includes a Firebird-SQL-databaseserver. The firebird has his own system administration login with password. This combination (user/password - sysdba/masterkey) should be known to the fierbird owner so that he can administrate his property/databases. To change the firebird system password so that noone can see the details of the Autopoll database is from our point of view senseless and contrary to the system. Noone should/could block the login to the software owner.

Despite this, some customers want to change the firebird system password or the firebird system password was changed by another software.

Autopoll uses the firebird system login to check valid Autopoll users, therefore it has to be available for Autopoll.


  • from Autopoll Basis version FR02 (Jan. 2015)

Settings Firebird

The settings of the user in the Firebird can be changed with the command "gsec". (change of the firebird system password)

  >cd c:\Programme\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\bin
  >gsec -user sysdba -password masterkey -database localhost:c:\Programme\Firebird\Firebird_1_5\security.fdb -modify sysdba -pw '''newpw'''

Settings Autopoll

In Autopoll the configuration file "apv4.ini" has to be extended in the section "General" with the following commands:



The last parameter PwCamelCase has only to be set when the pasword is sensitive to upper and lower case.